6 results for "Fixed Schedule"
Water Delay and Manual Skip
SummaryWhat if you want to cancel the upcoming water, or maybe push it to the next day? Ever wanted to delay the watering for days? Good news! Rachio lets you s...
Seasonal Shift FAQ
SummaryYou noticed that your schedule had its watering durations adjusted and might wonder why. At your history tab, you can see that a seasonal shift was appli...
Fixed Schedules
SummarySimply put, Fixed Schedules allow you to select which days you wish to water. More specifically, a Fixed Schedule will be permitted to run on only the da...
Create a Fixed Schedule
SummaryOnce you have configured all of your zones, you will be asked if you would like to create a watering schedule. This article explains how to set up a Fixe...
Hourly New Seed Schedule (Grow-In Schedule)
SummaryLaying down a new seed? When you apply new seed to your lawn, keeping the soil moist and watering multiple times a day is key. Thankfully, creating a sch...
Scheduling FAQ - All about watering schedules
SummaryNow that you have your Rachio online and working, you may wonder how to create and edit a schedule to help you save water. In this article, we'll wal...